John Leighton Wilson (1809-1886) was born, raised, and schooled in Sumter County, South Carolina, then completed his formal education at Union College, Schenectady, before studying for the ministry in the first...
Duty of Sustaining an Educated Ministry, James Richards
The “Duty of Sustaining an Educated Ministry,” was delivered by James Richards, May 12, 1819, in Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, New York. It has been transcribed from Sermons of the Late Rev. James...
God’s Judgment & Richmond Theater Fire, 1811
Catastrophes redirect people from the temporal to the eternal. After 911, many confused, disconsolate, and mourning individuals who formerly had little thought of God went to churches seeking answers to their questions...
A Survey of Presbyterian Mission History in Africa, Whytock, 2023
BOOK NOTICE–On January 1, 1824 the Presbytery of Kaffraria was organized the first presbytery in Africa. In celebration of this bicentennial A Survey of Presbyterian Mission History in Africa: Historic Beginnings...
Review, Forgotten Reformer: Myles Coverdale, G. F. Main
The Reformation in England during the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547) was propagated by distribution of Martin Luther’s doctrinal and polemical pamphlets. Luther himself could be considered a publishing industry from...
Joachim Neander, A Score & Ten Years
Joachim Neander was born at Bremen, Germany, 1650. His father was a teacher in the local Latin school until he died when Joachim was sixteen years old. After his father’s death, he entered the Reformed University...