I appreciate the brevity and to-the-point presentation of the Gospel of Mark, so when I saw Douglas Sean O’Donnell’s recently released Expository Reflections on the Gospel of Mark, it piqued my curiosity sufficiently to...
Samuel G. Wilson, Missionary to Tabriz
Samuel Graham was born the third son of Andrew Wilkins Wilson and Anna Graham (Dick) Wilson in Indiana, Pennsylvania, February 11, 1858. Andrew was a ruling elder in the local Presbyterian Church and a respected...
J. Gresham Machen & LeRoy Gresham: Cousins, Confidants, & Churchmen
Read footnote 1 at the end of the title before reading the article. {3} J. Gresham Machen & LeRoy Gresham: Cousins, Confidants, & Churchmen[1] by Barry Waugh Mary and John Jones Gresham had two children that...
Thomas S. Williamson, Missionary Physician of Souls
Thomas Smith was born March 1800 in Union District, South Carolina, to Rev. William and Mary (Smith) Williamson. His father was pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Fair Forest. In 1805, the family moved to Adams...
John Breckinridge, Administrative Presbyter
John was born July 4, 1797 to John and Mary (Cabell) Breckinridge at Cabell’s Dale near Lexington, Kentucky. His father would die in 1806 after serving in the Kentucky Legislature, the U.S. House & Senate, and...
John T. Edgar, Chrysostom of Kentucky
John Todd was born April 13, 1792 to Henry and Polly (Boyce) Edgar. His parents were of Scotch-Irish descent and resided in Sussex County in southern Delaware, a region originally settled by Presbyterians seeking...