Presbyterians of the Past
“A Genetic History of Chicora College,” by Barry Waugh

“A Genetic History of Chicora College,” by Barry Waugh

“A Genetic History of Chicora College,” by Barry Waugh

Available for download is the brief article and diagram titled, “The Genetic History of Chicora College,” by Barry Waugh. The article shows via a diagram the founding of the college and its geographic moves and mergers until it united with Queens College in Charlotte. The button below will take you directly to the download. However, if you would like to read the article in which the history was originally made available on this site, it is titled, “Chicora College for Women.” There are two other downloads in the article, one titled, “Panorama Photograph of Chicora College Campus, circa 1916,” and the other is “Bulletin: Chicora College for Women.” The post includes a download button for the article, so you do not need to return to this page for downloading.

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